You wake up and immediately check your dating apps and text messages to see who has gotten back to you since last night or who you may have matched with.
You respond to some of the conversation starters with some flirty, hopefully witty (cross fingers emoji), responses.
You have been on several dates this week.
After a few weeks of many first dates and maybe some second dates, you already feel depleted.
Even though it feels good to have people interested in talking to you and meeting you, you are starting to feel like dating is exhausting and maybe you feel more alone than ever. You want to just have some time to yourself, but you also hate the idea of sitting at home alone.
You may feel that if you do not go out, you could be missing out!
If you finally do find someone that is worth more than 1-2 dates, you start to get into the anxiety spirals of “What are they thinking?”, “Am I saying too much?”, “Am I saying too little?”, “How often should I text them?”, “Am I being too clingy?”, “Am I being too aggressive?”, “Am I showing that I’m interested enough?”, “Do they like me?”
When texting, you continue to stare at those three little dots, wishing and hoping that the conversation continues.
You notice that you often have a hard time asking for what you want and need!
You allow the other person(s) to dictate what happens or does not happen on dates or in relationships. Maybe you often solicit advice from all your friends because you are afraid to trust yourself to make good decisions in your dating life.
You also may have a hard time with sex and intimacy in your dating or intimate relationships.
Intimacy and sex may be something that is shameful!
Maybe you grew up in a conservative household that preached staying away from any type of sex or intimacy.